The Crowning with Thorns

Jesus' claim to kingship is ridiculed by putting a crown of thorns on His head and a reed in His hand.Matt. 27:28- 31

Christ Jesus becomes an object of derision and insults.

Behold Him, the all-powerful God, struck by sharp blows; His adorable face, the joy of the saints, is covered with spittle; a crown of thorns is forced down upon His head; a purple robe is placed upon His shoulders as a mock of derision; a reed is thrust into His hand; they genuflect insolently before Him in mockery.

What an abyss of ignominy! What humiliation and disgrace for One before Whom the angels tremble! The cowardly Roman governor imagines that the hatred of the Jews will be satisfied by the sight of Christ in this pitiful state. He shows Him to the crowd: "Ecce Homo — Behold the Man!"

Let us contemplate our Divine Master at this moment, plunged into the abyss of suffering and ignominy, and let us realize that the Father also presents Him to us and says to us:
"Behold My Son, the splendor of My glory — but bruised for the sins of My people."

Next Mystery...

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